China helping boost Cambodia rice’ global image & quality (video)

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Despite a long history and the receipt of numerous awards the global market image of Cambodia rice lags far behind that from Thailand and Vietnam. One young Cambodian is attempting to change that, however, with a partnership with China’s largest food processing companies helping boost exports and drive up quality.

Son-in-law to Prime Minister Hun Sen and president of the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF) since its formation in 2014, Sok Puthyvuth returned to Cambodia after completing his overseas studies determined to build a name for Cambodia rice.

He says at first his family didn’t approve of his choice, believing his expensive overseas education would be wasted. Now, he says, they see how the changes he has helped to implement are gradually improving the life of Khmer farmers and the image of the country.

As part of his efforts to promote a market reputation for Cambodia rice, the CRF has entered into an agreement with Chinese state-run National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (Cofco), which Mr Sok hopes will boost exports and help increase the rate of modernisation in the Cambodia rice farming sector.

Since 2014 Cofco has imported over 100,000 tons of Cambodia rice, establishing China as the primary export destination globally for Cambodia rice. In the first six months of this year 288,562 tons of Cambodia rice was exported, a 7.6 per cent increase over the same period last year, with shipments to China accounting for 94,720 tons.

Hun Lak, vice president of the CRF, said the price of Cambodian rice abroad has been on the rise for both milled and unmilled types since early February 2018 due to higher demand in China and the European Union (EU).

In the video above made by State-owned Chinese media organisations China Central Television (CCTV), Mr Sok says he has already devoted a considerable portion of his life to improving the brand recognition of Cambodia rice and see’s the relationship with Cofco and the Chinese One Belt One Road (Obor) initiative as boosting his goal of making Cambodia rice a globally recognised brand.


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Sreypov Men recently completed a course of study in International Relations at the Institute of Foreign Languages.

She commenced as an intern at AEC News Today and was appointed as a junior writer/ trainee journalist on April 2, 2018

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One Response to "China helping boost Cambodia rice’ global image & quality (video)"

  1. Brian Ghilliotti   June 13, 2018 at 11:06 am

    In the early part of his career, Hun Sen dedicated himself toward fighting the Chinese backed Khmer Rouge. Now he dedicates his career to letting Chinese gain economic control over his country. He should take a look at what’s going on in Vietnam right now (riots in the face of weakness toward China). Can’t initiate a border skirmish to distract the people away from this problem. Hun Sen is now China’s colonial facilitator, like what America had in Cuba (Batista). Brian Ghilliotti


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