Our advertising & content policies

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Asean News Today offers a number of ways that companies and organisations can show their support for independent journalism focusing on good governance and business-friendly policies. Opportunities include advertising, sponsored content, paid for content, sponsorship, and submitted content.

In the same manner that our editorial focuses on good governance and policies, we believe that publicly displaying our advertising policy is similarly good governance, in the same way that we display our Code of Ethics, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy.

We believe that by being transparent and adhering to these guidelines it reinforces the trust that should exist between a publication, its readers, and its advertisers.

The overriding principle for our advertising guidelines is that Asean News Today will not allow any advertiser or sponsor to compromise our editorial integrity.

In addition:

  • All advertising content will be clearly labelled with the word ‘Advertisement’ to distinguish between editorial material and advertising.
  • All ‘Sponsored Content’ will be clearly labelled with the words ‘Sponsored Content’ to distinguish between editorial material and advertising.
  • Asean News Today may exercise its discretion to refuse or remove any ‘Advertisement’ or ‘Sponsored Content’ that is inconsistent with, or may tend to bring disparagement, harm to reputation, or other damage to Asean News Today’s brand.
  • While advertising and ‘Sponsored Content’ does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Asean News Today, or its editors, if it comes to our attention that ‘Sponsored Content’ or an ‘Advertisement’ contains demonstrably false or unlawful content, we will refuse or remove the ‘Advertisement’ or ‘Sponsored Content’ in whole or in part without prior notice to the client.
  • Among advertising and ‘Sponsored Content’ that Asean News Today will not accept is material we consider to be: profane, indecent, vulgar hateful, inflammatory, that attacks an individual; race; religion; or nationality; which in our opinion may breach various country’s computer crimes acts, or breaches Thailand’s lèse-majesté laws.


Items marked as an ‘Advertisement’ is content created by third parties and hosted by Asean News Today that does not involve Asean News Today staff journalists.

Companies and organisation placing the ‘Advertisement’ are responsible for ensuring that the content of their advertising complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines.

‘Advertisements’ will be labelled as ‘Advertisement’ above the content.

Sponsored Content

Sponsored Content describes advertising features that are provided and paid for by the advertiser and which is subject to regulation by advertising standards authorities and trades practices bodies. This content is produced by commercial departments and does not involve Asean News Today staff journalists.

‘Sponsored Content’ will be labelled at the top of the story as ‘Sponsored Content’. The author bio box will clearly display who the source of the story was. The client retains copyright of the material and grant us a nonexclusive right to run the piece online or in any future collections of pieces.

Paid For Content

‘Paid For Content’ is used to describe editorially independent content funded by a third party on a specific topic. Before we agree to accept funding relevant senior editors are consulted about the suitability of the topic, with the managing editor having the final say.

A client whose branding appears on editorial content may suggest what kind of topics are covered, but Asean News Today is not obliged to accept ideas from the funder.

‘Paid For Content’ is written and edited by Asean News Today journalists, or those approved by Asean News Today, to the same standards expected in all of our journalism. Asean News Today will not show a copy to funders for approval prior to publication.

‘Paid For Content’ will be labelled at the bottom of the story as ‘Content Paid For by”.

We retain copyright of the story, photos, data, etc., and grant you a nonexclusive licence to run the piece online or in any future collections of pieces provided that it is accompanied with an acknowledgement that it originally ran on Asean News Today, with a link to our original story.

Corporate Sponsorship

Reliable, independent, and ethical journalism is now more important than ever. However, to effectively counter ‘fake news’ and ‘false facts’, accurate news needs to be freely available, not hidden behind a paywall where only those who can afford to pay can read it. If anything, paywalls have only helped fuel the spread of ‘fake news’, and ‘false facts’.

Companies, organisations, and individuals can show their support for reliable, accurate, independent journalism by becoming an Asean News Today ‘Supporter’.

A ‘Supporter’s’ company logo is displayed on the ‘Supporters’ page and links to the ‘Supporter’ website. Diamond level supporters are provided with site-wide advertising alongside our masthead.

Although greatly appreciated, a ‘Supporter’ has no influence on editorial or advertising policies.

Regular Feature Sponsorship

Asean News Today produces one daily morning news roundup for nine of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) member countries. Our editorial staff pour over dozens of news sites to put together the most comprehensive morning news roundups published.

We also publish a daily Asean morning news roundup and a round up of Thailand government news in English from the Thailand government Public Relations Department’s NBT Newsline.

These are available for ‘Sponsorship’ and will be marked as ‘Sponsored by’.

Submitted Content

‘Submitted content’ is material written by a third-party and submitted via the author submission process. The author is required to demonstrate knowledge or insight on the topic that he/ she is writing and accepts responsibility for ensuring that the content complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines, in addition to our Code of Ethics.

The author bio box at the bottom of the story will clearly identify the supplier. The supplier can be an individual,  a government, institution, organisation, or company. All submitted content must be original.

The material is published based entirely on editorial considerations. The material has not been written by Asean News Today staff, though it has been subjected to our editing process for style, grammar, and legal purposes. There is no charge for material published as ‘Submitted Content’.

The author retains copyright to the original material and grants us a nonexclusive right to run the piece online or in any future collections of pieces. We retain the copyright to our edited content.

‘Submitted Content’ will be labelled at the top of the story as ‘Submitted Content’. See an example of Submitted Content.


Last updated: February 8, 2021

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