Asean Morning News For April 24

Asean Morning News For April 24
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Asean morning newsAsean Morning News

Compiled by Stella-maris Ewudolu    @stmarisewudolu


Southeast Asia lays groundwork for terrorism extradition treaties
Southeast Asian nations look to negotiate treaties covering extradition of suspects accused of planning or conducting terrorist attacks, hoping to tighten the net on Islamic militants operating in the expansive region.
— Nikkei Asian Review (metered paywall)

‘US-China trade war to slow Asean’s economic progress’
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations will not take the brewing trade conflict between the United States and China sitting down, as the regional bloc will urge the two economies to shun protectionism in favor of free trade at its 32nd summit this week.
— Business Mirror

At least 25% of jobs in Southeast Asia may be automated in next 2 decades – ILO
At least 25% of jobs in Southeast Asia may be automated in the next two decades, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO).
— Rappler

Five priorities at the 32nd Asean summit
When the Asean leaders converge on the Lion City later this month for their 32nd summit, a myriad of challenges awaits their deliberations formally and informally.
— Bangkok Post

Assessing Asean’s economic performance
ASEAN finance ministers have just concluded their 22nd meeting in Singapore, as Asean embarks on the second half of its journey toward its centennial. Having come this far to be the longest serving grouping in the developing world, it is timely to ask: How has it fared economically?
— The Sun Daily

Asean 2018: Reconciling consensus with new realities
Asean’s rapid expansion in the 1990s further deepened diversity and complexities within the organisation.
— The Straits Times

More Irrawaddy dolphins found in Mekong River this year
The population of Irrawaddy dolphins in the Mekong River has risen for the first time in years, raising hope for the critically endangered species.
— Asia Times

Whole-of-ASEAN approach sought for Rohingya crisis
The Indonesian and Malaysian representatives at the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) have called on member countries to take more practical steps to fulfil a commitment to bring peace in a conflict that has forced hundreds of thousands of Rohingya to flee Myanmar amid charges of “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide”.
— The Jakarta Post

Asean 2018: More work to be done on labour migration
Nearly seven million – or two-thirds – of approximately 10 million international migrants living and working in Asean come from within the region. In 2017, the 8 per cent of the world’s migrants were from the Asean countries.
— The Straits Times

ASEAN-Japan partnership: 45 years on
As Japan and ASEAN celebrate a bond that is now in its 45th year, the historical foundations and possible benefits of such a partnership ought to be grasped and valued.
— The Asean Post

The Philippines-based news website Rappler, launched in 2012, was an early and enthusiastic adopter of Facebook’s Instant Articles service, which allowed it to speed up the loading of stories for readers.

Payment interoperability: The next step towards a digital Asean
GETTING PAYMENT platforms to “understand” each other, or to be “interoperable,” presents a huge opportunity to enhance intra-regional trade and business activity across Southeast Asia, and Thailand in particular.
— The Nation

Southeast Asia’s deep tech scene
Today, technology is widely associated with the digital realm – computers, the internet, mobile device, and smartphones, – just to name a few, which has seen the mushrooming of a myriad of tech startups.
— The Asean Post

ASEAN-Japan partnership: 45 years on
As Japan and ASEAN celebrate a bond that is now in its 45th year, the historical foundations and possible benefits of such a partnership ought to be grasped and valued.
— The Asean Post

Asean 2018: Reconciling consensus with new realities
The only path towards all Asean decisions and agreements is through consultation and consensus, a decision-making model subjected to both praise and criticism over the past five decades.
— The Straits Times

Communicating science still a challenge
COMMUNICATING science to the masses remains to be one of the challenges faced by the scientists of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), said an Asean Science Diplomats official.
— Sun Star

Asean 2018: Reconciling consensus with new realities
Asean’s rapid expansion in the 1990s further deepened diversity and complexities within the organisation.
The Straits Times 

Suu Kyi to skip Asean summit in Singapore
Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi will not attend this weekend’s Asean Summit in Singapore, a government spokesman said on Monday, which would make it the first time for her to skip one since coming to power in 2016.
Bangkok Post

RI upbeat over its progress in ASEAN single market
Indonesia’s customs and excise office is upbeat that it has achieved notable progress in its effort to integrate its market with neighboring countries under the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
The Jakarta Post 


Cambodia morning newsCambodia Morning News

Compiled by Sreypov Men    @MenSreypov


Business registration up 160 percent
Over 3,500 companies registered with the Ministry of Commerce during the first three months of the year, a hike of nearly 160 percent compared to 2017.
— Khmer Times

Hun Sen warns union leaders not to associate with the opposition
Cambodia’s union leaders have been told by Prime Minister Hun Sen to make sure that their factory workers will not organize political protests or support the ramnants of the now-dissolved opposition party, The Phnom Penh Post Online reported .
— Thai PBS

Asian Development Bank and Cambodia: Fact Sheet
ADB’s assistance to Cambodia rests on deepened rural–urban–regional links, and human and social development as strategic pillars; and enhanced public sector management as a crosscutting pillar.
— Asian Development Bank

See here for more of today’s Cambodia Morning News


Indonesia morning newsIndonesia Morning News

Compiled by Stella-maris Ewudolu    @stmarisewudolu


Teaming up with Ciptadana Asset, PTPP Offers Private Equity Fund of IDR250 Bln
PT PP (Persero) Tbk (IDX:PTPP) will offer Perpetual Securities (SBP) financial product through a Private Equity Fund (RDPT) of IDR250 billion.
— Netral News

Indonesian President Jokowi to Ban Child Marriage
When celebrating R.A. Kartini, a Javanese feminist (1879-1904) who wrote about women’s rights in the early 20th century, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo invited a number of women rights’ defenders in Jakarta to talk about women’s empowerment.
— Human Rights Watch

Adaro Targets 35% Growth in Coking Coal Output
Indonesian coal miner Adaro Energy is targeting coking coal output of 1 million tons this year, up from 740,000 tons in 2017, a company director said on Monday (23/04).
— Jakarta Globe

See here for more of today’s Indonesia Morning News


Lao PDR morning newsLao PDR Morning News

Compiled by Leakhena Khat    @leakhenakhat


ADB Approves Second Financing to Help Lao PDR Achieve Universal Health Coverage
The Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Board of Directors has approved a $30 million policy-based grant to help the Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) expand healthcare coverage and improve health services in the country.

Govt approves minimum wage increase
The government has approved a minimum wage increase from the present 900,000 kip to 1.1 million kip a month, according to the Prime Minister’s Office.
Vientiane Times 

Asian Development Bank and the Lao PDR: Fact Sheet
ADB has been supporting the Government of the Lao PDR since 1968, and remains one of the country’s largest multilateral financiers. ADB has provided $2.6 billion in loans, grants, and technical assistance to the Lao PDR.

See here for more of today’s Lao Morning News


Malaysia morning newsMalaysia Morning News

Compiled by Sreypov Men    @MenSreypov


Public Bank to push ahead with business, digital innovation
Public Bank Bhd, which recorded another profit milestone in 2017 with profit before tax of RM7.12bil, will accelerate its business and digital innovation as well as pursue operational efficiency.
— The Star Online

Possible Malaysia-Singapore ‘Shinkansen’ Excites World Rail Body
The possibility of Japan’s world-famous Shinkansen bullet train system making its debut in Malaysia and Singapore has created some excitement within the International High Speed Rail Association (IHRA) with a senior official making a strong pitch for its adoption.
— Malaysian Digest

Asian Development Bank and Malaysia: Fact Sheet
ADB support in Malaysia has focused on advancing regional cooperation and integration, catalyzing private investments through public–private partnerships, and developing knowledge partnerships.
— Asian Development Bank

See here for more of today’s Malaysia Morning News


Myanmar morning newsMyanmar Morning News

Compiled by Leakhena Khat    @leakhenakhat


Myanmar’s Suu Kyi to skip Asean Summit in Singapore
Myanmar’s unofficial leader Aung San Suu Kyi will not attend this weekend’s Asean summit in Singapore, a government spokesman said on Monday, which would make it the first time for her to skip one since her party came to power in 2016.
South China Morning Post

Asian Development Bank and Myanmar: Fact Sheet
ADB commenced reengagement with Myanmar in early 2012. ADB has since been supporting the country’s national development strategies and its national priority programs in collaboration with other development partners.

UN Security Council to Make a Two-Day Visit to Myanmar
A team of 15 permanent representatives from the 15 members of the United Nations Security Council will visit Myanmar for two days early next month after being invited to examine the situation in Rakhine State by the Myanmar government.
The Irrawaddy 

See here for more of today’s Myanmar Morning News


Philippines morning newsPhilippines Morning News

Compiled by Stella-maris Ewudolu    @stmarisewudolu


Philippines is 3rd top remittance receiving country in the world
The Philippines is the third largest remittance receiving nation in the world in 2017, according to a World Bank report Monday.
— Philippine Star

DTI eyes P300M for Boracay businesses
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is seeking P300 million to provide other means of livelihood for businesses and workers on Boracay island during its six-month closure, which begins on Thursday.
— The Manila Times

PH to limit mine areas
The Philippines is planning to limit the amount of land that miners can develop at any one time to boost environmental rehabilitation, a move that miners say may cut output of nickel ore in last year’s top supplier to China.
— Malaya

See here for more of today’s Philippines Morning News

Singapore morning newsSingapore Morning News

Compiled by Leakhena Khat   @leakhenakhat


Singapore PM’s job: Once decided over cake and coffee, now mulled over for months
Singaporeans are not used to uncertainty when it comes to their future political leaders.

Greater uptake of 2FA but room for improvement in password management habits – CSA’s annual survey 2017
The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) has released key findings from its annual survey for 2017. The survey seeks to measure public awareness and adoption of cyber hygiene practices in Singapore, so as to better aid in developing initiatives to bridge knowledge gaps.
Open Gov Asia 

Ng Chee Meng appointed as deputy sec-gen of labour movement; expected to take over as NTUC chief
Just a few days after Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Chan Chun Sing told reporters that that he is confident that the labour movement will continue to execute its plans well, even if he were moved to a new rule in the upcoming Cabinet reshuffle, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has announced that Chan is returning to the Government and that Education Minister Ng Chee Meng will be released to the labour movement to serve as part-time deputy secretary-general.
The Independent Singapore

See here for more of today’s Singapore Morning News


Thailand morning newsThailand Morning News

Compiled by John Le Fevre    @photo_journ


Q1 exports tally 7-year growth high
Thailand’s exports continued to grow in March, albeit at a slower pace, helping first quarter shipments rise 11.3%, the highest in seven years.
— Bangkok Post

Thailand not a currency manipulator, central bank chief says
Thailand does not intervene with foreign exchange rates to gain competitiveness in trade, its central bank chief said on Monday, amid rising concerns that the country may become the first in Southeast Asia to be placed under trade scrutiny by the U.S.
— Nikkei Asian Review

Thai companies keen to invest $3 billion in Indian infrastructure projects
Several Thailand-based companies which are operating in India plan to invest around USD 3 billion in the next three years period in the areas of green and brown field projects including energy, infrastructure and metals.
— The Economic Times

See here for more of today’s Thailand Morning News


Vietnam morning newsVietnam Morning News

Compiled by Sreypov Men    @MenSreypov


Petrol prices remain stable, oil prices slightly rise
The price of bio-fuel E5 was kept unchanged while those of diesel 0.05S and kerosene increased slightly by 380 VND and 500 VND per litre respectively in the latest regular adjustment of petrol and oil prices on April 23.
— VietnamPlus

Vietnam accounts for 6 pct of world’s timber, wooden furniture market
Vietnam’s exports account just 6 percent of the global timber and wooden furniture market which is estimated at 120 billion USD, said a local official.
— VietnamPlus

Asian Development Bank and Viet Nam: Fact Sheet
ADB supports Viet Nam in promoting job creation and competitiveness, increasing the inclusiveness of infrastructure and service delivery, and improving environmental sustainability and climate change response.
— Asian Development Bank

See here for more of today’s Vietnam Morning News

Asean Morning News is the most comprehensive selection of reports on what you need to know from around the Asean Economic Community (AEC) published. All articles are hand curated by the team at AEC News Today. It is published M-F by AEC News Today: Governance, not government; policies not politics.


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