Asean Morning News
Compiled by Stella-maris Ewudolu @stmarisewudolu
Children’s Education: Singaporeans Biggest Spenders, But More Indonesians Paying
When it comes to spending on their children’s education Singaporeans are the biggest spenders in Asean according to a recent survey by HSBC, but Indonesia has the highest proportion of parents paying for private tuition.
— AEC News Today
Asia Pacific remains vulnerable to malware
Emerging markets in Asia Pacific, including the Philippines, remained particularly vulnerable to malware, technology firm Microsoft said.
— The Manila Times
Most SE Asia stocks fall on profit-booking
Most Southeast Asian stock markets ended lower on Tuesday on profit-booking and caution ahead of a US Federal Reserve meeting, with the Philippine index posting its biggest single-day fall in more than four months.
— Bangkok Post
Creating ‘Mental Firewalls’ To Counter Radical Ideologies Among Efforts To Combat Terrorists’ Narratives Online
The recent bombing at a London subway station on 17 September was another wake-up call for security agencies worldwide to increase their efforts in preventing future terror attacks.
— Malaysian Digest
Indonesia proposes establishment of joint cyber-patrol to battle extremism in Southeast Asia
Indonesian national police has suggested nations in Southeast Asia set up a joint force which will carry out a cyber-patrol in an effort to prevent spread of radicalism and extremism in the region.
— Xinhua
Special coin commemorating Asean Para Games is now on sale
Special Asean Para Games 2017 commemorative coins are now on sale and avid coin collectors can get them via Nubex Sdn Bhd online trading platform.
— The Sun Daily
Hong Kong-ASEAN FTA to enhance cooperation under Belt and Road Initiative: expert
The upcoming signing of a free trade agreement between China’s Hong Kong and ASEAN will further boost cooperation between the two sides under the Belt and Road Initiative, said a speaker at a forum on Hong Kong-ASEAN economic relations held here on Tuesday.
— China Daily
Alvarez urges ASEAN solons to translate AIPA resolutions into policies
Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez on Tuesday called on his fellow lawmakers in the Southeast Asian region to translate the resolutions they adopted in the recently-concluded 38th ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) General Assembly into actual policies in order for make their meeting truly productive.
— GMA News
Sodexo , Amata eye growth in CLMV markets
SODEXO, a global leader in integrated facilities management services, plans to expand its activities in the CLMV markets (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam) through its joint venture operations with Amata Corp in Thailand.
— The Nation
Toys ‘R’ Us Asian operations unaffected by company’s ‘financial restructuring’
Toys “R” Us (Asia) said in a statement on Tuesday (Sep 19) that it is not part of Toy “R” Us Inc’s “financial restructuring” and its stores will stay open for business.
— Channel NewsAsia
Cambodia Morning News
Compiled by Kongleaphy Keam @kongleaphy1
Hun Sen tightens grip on power as Cambodia pivots to China
Mu Sochua, the deputy leader of Cambodia’s main opposition party, says her country’s government is waging “psychological warfare” on its opponents in an effort to break them.
— Financial Times
China, Cambodia agree to strengthen bilateral relations
Senior Communist Party of China (CPC) official Liu Yunshan met with Cambodia’s acting head of state and Senate President Samdech Say Chhum on Tuesday, agreeing to strengthen bilateral relations.
— Xinhua
DPP denies intervention in Cambodian politics
The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday denied allegations that it attempted to intervene in Cambodian politics, after a Cambodian news outlet reported that a “Taiwanese extremist group” allegedly affiliated with the DPP was plotting with local political operatives to topple the government.
— Taipei Times
See here for more of today’s Cambodia Morning News
Indonesia Morning News
Compiled by Rama Ariadi @AriadiRama
Children’s Education: Singaporeans Biggest Spenders, But More Indonesians Paying
When it comes to spending on their children’s education Singaporeans are the biggest spenders in Asean according to a recent survey by HSBC, but Indonesia has the highest proportion of parents paying for private tuition.
— AEC News Today
Indonesia raises 17.5 trillion rupiah of bonds, above target
The government sold T-bills maturing in December 2017 with a weighted average yield of 4.53030 percent, lower than 4.90700 percent at the last auction on Sept. 5.
— Nasdaq
Indonesia to trace and tax assets hidden during amnesty
Indonesia’s government has issued new regulations aimed at tracing and taxing the wealth of taxpayers who were not pardoned in the nine-month tax amnesty that ended in March.
— Straits Times
See here for more of today’s Indonesia Morning News
Lao PDR Morning News
Compiled by Leakhena Khat @leakhenakhat
Govt hopes SEZs will generate 4,150 jobs next year
As more foreign companies locate factories in special and specific economic zones (SEZs) in Laos, the government anticipates that several thousand jobs will be created for Lao nationals in the near future.
— Vientiane Times
Cambodia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic wipe out trachoma —leading infectious cause of blindness
The World Health Organization (WHO) today congratulated the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic on eliminating trachoma as a public health problem.
— Relief Web
China, Laos Hold New Defense Meeting
Over the weekend, China and Laos held the first iteration of a new defense consultative mechanism.
— The Diplomat
See here for more of today’s Lao Morning News
Malaysia Morning News
Compiled by Kongleaphy Keam @kongleaphy1
Children’s Education: Singaporeans Biggest Spenders, But More Indonesians Paying
When it comes to spending on their children’s education Singaporeans are the biggest spenders in Asean according to a recent survey by HSBC, but Indonesia has the highest proportion of parents paying for private tuition.
— AEC News Today
Malaysia Stock Market Poised To Halt Losing Streak
The Malaysia stock market has fallen lower in back-to-back sessions, sliding almost 10 points or 0.6 percent along the way. The Kuala Lumpur Composite Index now rests just above the 1,775-point plateau although it’s expected to find traction on Wednesday.
— Nasdaq
Survey: Economy more important to Malaysian youth than 1MDB
Malaysian youths do not care much about politics and are instead more concerned about the economy, a recent study showed.
— Malay Mail Online
See here for more of today’s Malaysia Morning News
Myanmar Morning News
Compiled by Sreypov Men @MenSreypov
Aung San Suu Kyi speaks, but does the world believe her?
The staging of two very different meetings in Myanmar’s gleaming, Chinese-built international convention center in the capital, Naypyitaw, on Tuesday captured an incongruous disconnect over the escalating refugee crisis in western Rakhine State, in western Myanmar, and the sense of “business as usual” in the country’s big cities.
— Nikkei Asian Review
Rohingya being wiped off Myanmar’s map
For generations, Rohingya Muslims have called Myanmar home. Now, in what appears to be a systematic purge, the minority ethnic group is being wiped off the map.
— Bangkok Post
Arrivals of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar is worsening condition in a refugee camp
Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh–The condition of the Kutupalong refugee camp for Rohingya in Bangladesh’s southeastern town of Cox’s Bazar is predicted to get worse due to the influx of Rohingya rsfugees from Myanmar.
— ThaiPBS
See here for more of today’s Myanmar Morning News
Philippines Morning News
Compiled by Stella-maris Ewudolu @stmarisewudolu
Philippines ranked 8th most vulnerable to malware attacks in Asia
Experts in information technology security discovered that the Philippines is the 8th most vulnerable to attacks by malicious software or malware.
Economy seen growing 6.7% this year
RAM Rating Services Berhad of Malaysia expects a 6.7 percent economic growth for the Philippines this year.
— The Philippine Star
ASEAN human rights delegates barred from visiting De Lima
Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) were barred from visiting detained Senator Leila de Lima despite having complied with the 10-day visit notice.
— Rappler
See here for more of today’s Philippines Morning News
Singapore Morning News
Compiled by Leakhena Khat @leakhenakhat
Children’s Education: Singaporeans Biggest Spenders, But More Indonesians Paying
When it comes to spending on their children’s education Singaporeans are the biggest spenders in Asean according to a recent survey by HSBC, but Indonesia has the highest proportion of parents paying for private tuition.
— AEC News Today
Singapore, China sign MOU for Belt and Road Initiative dispute mediation
The Singapore International Mediation Centre and the Mediation Center of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade / China Chamber of International Commerce on Tuesday (Sep 19) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together to help businesses resolve disputes that may arise under China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
— Channel NewsAsia
Why the ageing population could worsen wealth inequality in Singapore
Singapore’s ageing population could worsen income and wealth disparities, Deloitte said in its Voice of Asia report.
— Singapore Business Review
See here for more of today’s Singapore Morning News
Thailand Morning News
Compiled by John Le Fevre @photo_journ
Thailand approves law to speed up $45-billion development plan
Thailand’s cabinet on Tuesday approved a measure to accelerate a $45-billion plan to develop the industrial east and attract foreign investors, as the ruling junta seeks to boost long-term economic growth, a government official said.
— Reuters
Thailand’s Central Bank Has a Major Dilemma: Its Currency
A public rift between Thailand’s central bank and government on interest rates shows just how much of a dilemma the baht has become for the economy.
— Bloomberg
Cabinet allots B87bn in rice aid measures
The cabinet yesterday approved a combined 87.2 billion baht worth of measures to ensure farmer income and stabilise rice prices ahead of the annual harvest for the 2017-18 season, starting in November.
Thailand draws 3.1 million tourists in August, a record for the month
— Bangkok Post
See here for more of today’s Thailand Morning News
Vietnam Morning News
Compiled by Sreypov Men @MenSreypov
Vietnam Banking Sector Still Not Corruption Free
As Vietnam begins reign-in red-tape and divest its extensive, state-owned enterprise (SOE) holdings, increasing attention is being focused on their corporate governance.
— AEC News Today
MoIT to reveal list of gas traders
Viet Nam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) has recently announced a list of eligible exporters, importers and distributors of gas.
— Viet Nam News
Foreign detergent brands corner market, but local brands still thrive
Several years ago, the domestic detergent market was the playing field for the two big players – Unilever and P&G. However, since 2012, the appearance of Vietnamese brands has changed the situation.
— VietnamNet Bridge
See here for more of today’s Vietnam Morning News
Asean Morning News is the most comprehensive selection of reports on what you need to know from around the Asean Economic Community (AEC) published. All articles are hand curated by the team at AEC News Today. It is published M-F by AEC News Today: Governance, not government; policies not politics.

Stella-maris Ewudolu
Between November 2010 and February 2012 she was a staff writer at Daylight Online, Nigeria writing on health, fashion, and relationships. From 2010 – 2017 she worked as a freelance screen writer for ‘Nollywood’, Nigeria.
She joined AEC News Today in December 2016.

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