Myanmar Morning News For April 6

Myanmar Morning News For April 6
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Myanmar morning newsGroups in Myanmar Fire Back at Zuckerberg
Civil society groups in Myanmar on Thursday criticized Facebook’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, arguing that he mischaracterized his company’s effectiveness at detecting and quashing messages encouraging violence in the country.
The New York Times 

Duterte slams Myanmar ‘genocide’ and offers to take Rohingya refugees
President Duterte accused Myanmar of “genocide” and said he was willing to accept Rohingya Muslim refugees into the Philippines.
Philippines Life Style 

Asean bloc must step up to solve Rohingya crisis: US official
THE UNITED STATES has urged all stakeholders, including the Asean bloc, to take the proper steps to provide protection and adequate humanitarian assistance to Rohingya –those remaining in Myanmar’s Rakhine state and those in squalid refugee camps in Bangladesh.
— The Nation

Amnesty International secretary general says Myanmar must repatriate Rohingyas to their homeland with full security
Secretary General of Amnesty International Salil Shetty said the atrocities carried out by the Myanmar forces against Rohingya people in Rakhaine state is a crime.
India Today 

China sugar import limits hit Thai-Myanmar trade
Trade value across the Mae Sot-Myawaddy border fell 9.8% in the first three months of this year after China imposed strict limits on sugar imports, affecting Thai sugar exports.
Bangkok Post 

Myanmar’s new president marks start of more changes to come
The election of a new Myanmar president seems to have surprised many but in fact, it has been in the pipeline for at least two months. Myanmar’s top civilian leaders had decided that it was time for a change in direction and vision.
The Straits Times (paywall)

Myanmar runs rule over petroleum legislation
Myanmar is revising legislation ahead of offering new improved petroleum recovery contracts for brownfield projects, with the government planning later this year to launch separate rounds for open offshore and then onshore blocks.
Upstream Online (paywall)

Survey finds many people want changes in Constitution
People want amendments to sections 288 and 289 of the country’s Constitution in order to increase the efficiency of government administration at the ward and village level, according to a survey conducted by the Action Committee for Democracy Development (ACDD).
The Myanmar Times 

Fear and isolation for Myanmar’s remaining Rohingya
By the twisted standards of Myanmar’s Rakhine State, Abdullah is one of its more fortunate Rohingya residents.
Coconuts Yangon 

Are tropical islands in Myanmar Asia’s last untouched paradise?
Lack of infrastructure has protected the Myeik Archipelago in the Andaman Sea from the ravages of tourism, but for how much longer?
South China Morning Post

Ethnic Army Tells Villagers to Flee Isolated Area of Myanmar’s Kachin State Before Offensives
The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) will launch new offensives against the Myanmar military on April 10 in an isolated valley area of the Tanaing township gold and amber mining region in Kachin state, the ethnic armed group said on Thursday.
Radio Free Asia

Ambassador told to take down tweet about ‘pleasing’ Myanmar beach due to Canadian cold snap, not ethnic cleansing
A senior foreign service official warned a Canadian ambassador who tweeted his praise of the “pleasing” beaches of Myanmar that the photo might be taken the wrong way given many Canadians back home were in the middle of a cold snap — not because of the ongoing campaign of sexual violence and brutality against the country’s Rohingya people.
Global News 

U Phyo Min Thein builds a business empire
The Yangon Region government should stay away from joint ventures with the private sector and focus instead on transparently contracting some government projects to private companies.
Frontier Myanmar

Myanmar judge to rule next week on dropping journalists’ case
A Myanmar judge said Wednesday he would decide next week on whether to throw out a case against two Reuters journalists who were arrested while reporting on military abuses against Rohingya Muslims.

‘Mudras Calling’ actor Zenn Kyi wants to end Myanmar’s ‘copying’ culture
Actor Zenn Kyi has recently become the darling of the Myanmar film world with his breakout role in Mudras Calling. His newfound fame brings with it obsessive fans who are hungry to find out all they can about the movie star.
Coconuts Yangon

Indian Ambassador discusses the Act East Policy, India-Myanmar relations
As India-Myanmar relations continue to improve, Mizzima Editor in Chief Soe Myint sat down with Indian Ambassador Vikram Misri to discuss relations, the improvement and challenges in trade, and the geopolitical changes in the region.


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Myanmar morning news by AEC News Today is your one stop source for Myanmar news on matters of governance and policies affecting Asean business communities. It is published M-F by AEC News Today: Governance, not government; policies not politics.


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Leakhena Khat

Leakhena is a junior journalist at AEC News Today who is also currently studying International Relations, which she finds adds perspective to her work reporting on the Asean Community.

“I love what I am doing so much as it gives me a lot of great experience and provides challenges to my mind.

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