Lao Morning News For April 13

Lao Morning News For April 13
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Lao PDR morning newsOver 300 killed in road accidents in 2018’s first three months
More than 300 people have died in road accidents around the country in the first three months of the year, with property worth more than 24 billion kip damaged in the incidents.
— Vientiane Times 

Laos Celebrates Khaen Music As UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage
The Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism organized a Procession marching along main roads of Vientiane celebrating the Khaen music of the Lao PDR as the world intangible cultural heritage of the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture.
— Lao News Agency 

Provinces prepare colourful activities to celebrate Lao New Year
Provinces across the country are preparing colourful activities to celebrate the Lao New Year during April 14-16.
— Vientiane Times

Officials debate draft of medical licence regulation
The Ministry of Health and other government bodies on Monday held a brainstorming session on the draft regulation for the licensing and registration system of health practitioners to ensure treatment quality.
— Vientiane Times 

Strict bus inspections in place across Vientiane for Pi Mai Lao
Vientiane authorities are establishing technical inspection stations for vehicles and drivers at the Southern and Northern Bus Terminals. This move aims to provide additional safety to passengers during Pi Mai Lao.
— Vientiane Times 

President extends best wishes for Lao New Year
President Bounnhang Vorachit has offered his best wishes to all Lao citizens and foreigners living in Laos as well as people of Lao origin living overseas on the occasion of Lao New Year (Pi Mai Lao) which will be celebrated from April 14 to 16.
— Vientiane Times 


Feature photo Axel Drainville


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Lao morning news by AEC News Today is your one stop source for Lao PDR news on matters of governance and policies affecting Asean business communities. It is published M-F by AEC News Today: Governance, not government; policies not politics.


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Leakhena Khat

Leakhena is a junior journalist at AEC News Today who is also currently studying International Relations, which she finds adds perspective to her work reporting on the Asean Community.

“I love what I am doing so much as it gives me a lot of great experience and provides challenges to my mind.

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