The Philippines remains the hardest hit of Asean member states reporting outbreaks of the debilitating and frequently fatal mosquito born disease dengue this year, with more than 720 deaths and a further 167,000 people infected […]
Once declared as eradicated from some countries and ‘under control’ in many others, measles is once gain cutting a deadly swathe through the world. Declared an epidemic in the Philippines where it has killed at […]
Concerns by Philippine health and science professionals that the disastrous Dengvaxia mass dengue inoculation programme would affect other public health programmes is rapidly coming to fruition, with a measles (locally: tigdas) outbreak the first signs […]
As Philippine scientists and politicians fight over the failure of Asia’s first mass dengue vaccination programme the biggest casualty may be people’s trust and confidence in vaccination and other government-led public health programmes as effective […]
The recent controversy generated by the Dengvaxia vaccine scandal in the Philippines will see many people returning to more traditional methods to ward off the debilitating effects of mosquito-borne disease, with mosquito coils and bed […]