Asean morning news for July 21

Asean morning news for July 21
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Asean morning newsAsean morning news

Compiled by Stella-maris Ewudolu         @stmarisewudolu


COVID-19 in Asean: update for July 20 — Indonesia caseload eases on back of record deaths
As of 00:32 GMT July 20 there was 84,254 active cases of COVID-19 throughout the 10 Asean member countries, an increase of 1,084, or 1.29 per cent, on the day prior.
— AEC News Today

China envoy warns vs US ‘meddling’ in SCS dispute
Beijing’s top diplomat in Manila on Monday urged Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) member-countries to be on “high alert” over what he claimed is the United States’ “intensified meddling” in the South China Sea dispute.

‘We are a battleground now’: In Southeast Asia, U.S.-China tensions flare on social media
Tensions between the United States and China over the South China Sea have erupted into a war of words on social media, in what analysts see as a change in U.S. strategy amid a burgeoning superpower rivalry in Southeast Asia.
— Reuters

Over 3,000 more virus cases reported in Southeast Asia
The number of coronavirus cases in Southeast Asian countries reached 218,252 on Monday, including 6,291 fatalities and 126,715 recoveries.
— Anadolu Agency

Facebook’s Connectivity provides ASEAN $70 billion in economic value
Facebook has been actively investing in eliminating connectivity barriers being faced by ASEAN countries, which Analysys Mason estimates could generate $70 billion in value for the region over the next half a decade.
— Consultancy Asia

It’s not just Thailand, other Mekong River basin countries too are keeping Covid-19 at bay
From having the second highest number of Covid-19 cases outside China in late January to reporting not a single case of local transmission for about seven weeks, Thailand’s success in maintaining a low caseload and fatalities has been a case in point.
— The Indian Express

ASEAN cooperation to address transboundary haze amid pandemic
Forest fires are a major source of transboundary haze in the ASEAN region.
— The Jakarta Post

Online meeting talks post-2025 ASEAN Community Vision
In Vietnam’s capacity as the ASEAN Chair, Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Quoc Dung on July 20 chaired an online inter-sectoral meeting of ASEAN senior officials to discuss orientations to building post-2025 ASEAN Community Vision.
— Vietnamplus

‘Big brands still winning in Asia’: Major food and beverage firms strengthen sales and standing amid COVID-19
Asia’s biggest food and beverage brands have successfully retained their top FMCG rankings and outpaced overall category growth throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, with major players topping new lists from China to South East Asia.
— Foodnavigator-asia

New strategy for drug control amid pandemic put in motion
The secretary-general of the National Authority for Combating Drugs Meas Virith on Monday took part in the Asean Community post-2025 Vision video conference, where he delivered a report on drug trafficking issues and anti-drug initiative results within the Asean amid the pandemic.
— Khmer Times

Philippines’ Covid-19 war chest hits $21B
The Philippines’ war chest against the Covid-19 crisis inched up to $21.05 billion as of mid-July, although still lower than most of its Southeast Asian neighbours when divided among the relatively bigger population.
— The Phnom Penh Post

SMEs need right skills to shine in e-commerce
A recent survey of ASEAN small and middle-scale enterprises (SMEs) showed that eight in 10 have made technology their top investment priority.
— The Jakarta Post

Why the evolution of supply chains is picking up speed in Asia-Pacific
The global supply chain, as we know it today, is a manifestation of incremental technological improvements over centuries.
— World Economic Forum

Asean in the Mekong Sub-Regional Integration
As we are meeting today, the COVID-19 pandemic is raging in all corners of the globe.
— Khmer Times

Can Southeast Asia learn from the North American opioid epidemic before it’s too late?
When Pascal Tanguay found traces of fentanyl in a small batch of heroin in Bangkok last fall, he was appalled but not surprised – he had suspected that the deadly synthetic opioid was causing overdoses all across Southeast Asia for months.
— The Globe and Mail

APEC urges small businesses to go digital amid Covid-19 pandemic
As the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic drives more consumers online, small businesses need to go digital, according to the latest policy brief by the APEC Policy Support Unit and The Asia Foundation.
— Philippine News Agency

Can SEA’s proptech come back to its pre-COVID-19 glory? Experts speak
Property technology (proptech) was riding high on the strong demand in the real estate industry in Southeast Asia until the onset of the novel coronavirus towards the end of 2019.
— e27

ASEAN should promote hydrogen use
Hydrogen, although frequently used in the ammonia production, petrochemical and oil refining industries, was rarely mentioned in the past two decades by proponents of renewable energy.
— China Daily

EMERGING MARKETS-Rupiah dives as virus cases surge, politics hurt baht
Indonesia’s rupiah led declines among emerging Asian currencies on Monday after the country overtook China with the most confirmed coronavirus cases in East Asia,
while the resignation of a fifth cabinet member in five days hit the Thai baht.
— Reuters

Cambodia morning newsCambodia morning news

Compiled by Mark Henry Uy


Back home via Malaysia: 143 Cambodians return from Russia and Egypt
More than 140 Cambodians from Russia and Egypt travelled home yesterday via Malaysia Airlines Flight MH754.
— Khmer Times

Cash Relief Programme for Poor Households Reaches 94 Percent in First Round
The historic Cash Transfer Programme for Poor and Vulnerable Households during COVID-19 is 94 percent complete in the first round, according to Minister of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation H.E. Vong Sauth.

Electricity price cut for farmers
To encourage farmers to increase agricultural production, Electricite du Cambodge (EdC) has cut the price of electricity used for irrigation at night to 480 riel (12 US cents) per kWh.
— The Phnom Penh Post

See here for more of today’s Cambodia morning news

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Indonesia morning newsIndonesia morning news

Compiled by Justhine De Guzman Uy         @justhine.aecnews


Indonesia reports second-highest daily increase in coronavirus deaths
Indonesia reported on Monday its second-highest daily increase in coronavirus-related deaths with 96 fatalities, a day after registering a record daily jump in deaths, data presented by health ministry official Achmad Yurianto showed.
— Reuters

Indonesia Central Bank Predicts U-Shaped Economic Recovery From Pandemic
Indonesia’s central bank expects a U-shaped recovery for Southeast Asia’s largest economy from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, its senior deputy governor said in an online seminar on Monday.
— The New York Times

Foreign Tourists Can’t Enter Indonesia…Yet
The information was stated by Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi when she was accompanying the president to the virtual 36th ASEAN Summit in Vietnam, which was broadcasted live by the Presidential Secretariat last month.
— Indonesia Expat

See here for more of today’s Indonesia morning news

Lao PDR morning newsLao PDR morning news

Compiled by Mark Henry Uy


Lao gov’t continues to strictly monitor people entering Laos
The Lao government continues to strictly monitor people entering the country to avoid a second wave of COVID-19 outbreak, according to Lao Ministry of Health report on Monday.
— Xinhuanet

Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 beyond the Health Sector
Having successfully managed the health risks of COVID-19, the Lao PDR now it is important to turn to its agricultural sector to mitigate the devastating impact of the virus on the country’s economy.

Oudomxay completes building homes for 164 at-risk families at safer location
Authorities in Oudomxay province have completed building new homes for 164 households along Baeng River that were vulnerable to natural disasters and were affected by landslides and flash floods in recent years.
— Vientiane Times (paywall)

See here for more of today’s Lao morning news


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Malaysia morning newsMalaysia morning news

Compiled by Sreypov Men         @MenSreypov


AirAsia offers 50 % discount for returning fare
AirAsia Group Bhd has launched a special promotion of 50 per cent discount on the returning fare when customers booked a round trip ticket applicable for any Malaysian domestic flights between July 20 to July 24 for the travel period between Aug 4 to Dec 6 this year.
— The Sun Daily

Try, try, try again: Malaysia’s stimulus packages leave massive gaps
Malaysia’s spending to fight COVID-19 through four economic stimulus packages now totals RM295 billion (about US$69 bln).
— AEC News Today

Govt to review infrastructure development approach – Mustapa
Malaysia will be revisiting its approaches in infrastructure projects to reduce development gaps between the regions, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economy) Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.
— The Borneo Post

See here for more of today’s Malaysia Morning News

Myanmar morning newsMyanmar morning news

Compiled by Sreypov Men         @MenSreypov


Myanmar’s Shadow Industry Costs More Lives
Villagers of Hpakant stood in the pouring rain and watched as rescue workers slogged through heavy mud to retrieve the corpses.
— Byline Times

Myanmar Uncovers Sino-Pak Nexus in Arms Supply to Two Rebel Groups in Rakhine
Myanmar is believed to have discovered an alleged Sino-Pak axis that is supplying China made arms to two rebel groups in the country’s restive Rakhine province to target Indian assets including Kaladan multi modal project. The groups are also allegedly fuelling terror both in Myanmar and across the border in Bangladesh.
— Bharatshakti

Myanmar Needs to Answer to UN Rights Body
Myanmar has failed to undertake meaningful reforms to bring its many rights-violating laws into compliance with international human rights standards, Human Rights Watch said today in a submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for Myanmar’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in January 2021.

See here for more of today’s Myanmar morning news

Philippines morning newsPhilippines morning news

Compiled by Stella-maris Ewudolu         @stmarisewudolu


30 Zambo City areas on lockdown amid spike of Covid-19 cases
Thirty areas in 17 barangays have been placed on lockdown amid the rising coronavirus disease cases in this southern port city, officials said Monday.
— Philippine News Agency

Philippines’ Covid-19 war chest hits $21B
The Philippines’ war chest against the Covid-19 crisis inched up to $21.05 billion as of mid-July, although still lower than most of its Southeast Asian neighbours when divided among the relatively bigger population.
— The Phnom Penh Post

Lawmakers float more sanctions vs ABS-CBN: P1.97-T fine, seizure of headquarters
Although ABS-CBN’s employees and supporters have promised the fight for the embattled network is not over, its troubles also seem far from over, based on an online discussion by its accusers at the House of Representatives.
— Philippine Star

See here for more of today’s Philippines morning news

Singapore morning newsSingapore morning news

Compiled by Justhine De Guzman Uy         @justhine.aecnews


Singaporeans’ headline inflation expectations fall to 3% for coming year: DBS-SMU poll
SINGAPOREANS’ headline inflation expectations for the year ahead declined slightly to 3 per cent in a June poll, down from 3.1 per cent in March, according to findings of the latest quarterly survey for the Singapore Index of Inflation Expectations (SInDEx) released on Monday by DBS and the Singapore Management University (SMU).
— The Business Times

Coronavirus: Less red tape for businesses that wish to collaborate on supply of essential goods during Covid-19
The competition watchdog has slashed red tape for businesses that want to work together to supply essential goods or services like testing kits amid the pandemic.
— Straits Times (annoying popups)

Beware the jellyfish, Singapore’s swimmers are warned following string of injuries
Sea environmental organization Marine Stewards said there has been a spate of box jellyfish sightings in recent months, especially near the beaches of Sentosa, Seringat, Lazarus, and St. John’s islands.
— Coconuts Singapore

See here for more of today’s Singapore morning news

Thailand morning newsThailand morning news

Compiled by John Le Fevre         @photo_journ


Thai economy won’t need a bailout from the IMF
The Thai economy won’t need a bailout from the International Monetary Fund, although the GDP growth for 2020 may end up being the lowest in the region.
— The Thaiger

Police meet to discus legal action against pro-democracy protesters and organisers
Following Saturday’s large protest at Bangkok’s Democracy Monument on Saturday afternoon and evening, Bangkok police are now pondering whether to prosecute the organisers for defying the emergency decree – the part of the law that prohibits large public gatherings.
— The Thaiger

Thailand’s Minister of Labour quits Cabinet with immediate effect
Labour Minister M.R. Chatumongol Sonakul has quit the Cabinet, effective today (Monday), becoming the fifth minister to resign.
— Thai PBS News

See here for more of today’s Thailand morning news


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Vietnam morning newsVietnam morning news

Compiled by Sreypov Men         @MenSreypov


Did China Block Vietnam Offshore Oil Contract?
The sudden cancellation of an offshore drilling project commissioned by Vietnam is raising fears that the Chinese government pressured it to stop, part of Beijing’s ongoing maritime sovereignty spat with Hanoi.

Vietnam’s China-built metro line falls 2 years behind schedule
Construction of a 13 km railway between Cat Linh and Ha Dong in Hanoi, Vietnam’s first metro line, has been greatly delayed by discord between the government and the Chinese company undertaking the project.
— Nikkei Asian Review

Vietjet airlifts stranded Vietnamese
Vietjet continues to work with Vietnam’s government agencies in the country and overseas to repatriate Vietnamese citizens on international flights.
— TTR Weekly

See here for more of today’s Vietnam morning news


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