Lao Morning News For January 3

Lao Morning News For January 3
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Lao PDR morning newsChina injects 29b kip for Mekong-Lancang projects
The Chinese government has granted more than 29 billion kip (US$3.4 million) to finance 13 projects under the special Mekong-Lancang Cooperation fund.
Vientiane Times

Thailand joins tri-nation haze battle plan
Thailand will cooperate with Myanmar and Laos in a campaign against forest fires in the North later this month as the three countries brace for the approaching summer haze.
Bangkok Post 

Govt mulls fairer compensation policy for people affected by development projects
Property owners will receive fairer and more prompt compensation when they lose their land or buildings to make way for a development scheme, once a newly-drafted law is passed and promulgated, a policy developer has said.
Vientiane Times 

Scientists Discover 115 New Species in Greater Mekong Region
A crocodile lizard that has been turned into a cartoon character, a snail-eating turtle discovered in a Thai food market and a horseshoe bat that would not look out of place in a Star Wars movie are just three of the 115 new species discovered by scientists in the Greater Mekong region in 2016, according to a new report released Dec 19, 2017 by WWF.
Lao News Agency 

Ministry planning to curb teacher transfers
The Ministry of Education and Sports plans to create a regulatory framework for government teachers, aiming to regulate teacher transfers to private schools while protecting the rights of students at government schools.
Vientiane Times 

Route 3 Helps Improve Living Standards in Remote Luang Namtha
In 2008, Asia Development Bank, China and Thailand reached agreement to fund the GMS Northern Economic Corridor stretching 228 km from the Laos-China border in Luang Namtha to Thailand to help improve living standards of local people in the northern province of Laos.
Lao News Agency 

Savannakhet turns spotlight on infrastructure development
Improving the urban environment, notably roads and cleanliness, are the main focus of local authorities in seeking to make Savannakhet province more attractive and turn it into an economic hub within the region.
Vientiane Times 

Laos Announces Unilateral Visa Exemption for 4 European Countries
The government has announced unilateral visa exemption for visitors from Demark, Norway, Finland and Sweden with an aim to promote Visit Laos Year 2018.
Lao News Agency 

Xekong launches Visit Laos Year at colourful event
Xekong province on Sunday officially launched Visit Laos Year 2018 during a colourful ceremony that attracted a large number of people.
Vientiane Times 

Laos Establishes Diplomatic Relations with 140 Countries
Presently, Laos has established the diplomatic relations with 140 countries and 39 Lao embassies worldwide.
Lao News Agency 


Feature photo Dan Lundberg


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Leakhena Khat

Leakhena is a junior journalist at AEC News Today who is also currently studying International Relations, which she finds adds perspective to her work reporting on the Asean Community.

“I love what I am doing so much as it gives me a lot of great experience and provides challenges to my mind.

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