Cambodia Morning News For January 9

Cambodia Morning News For January 9
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Cambodia morning newsCut Off: Cambodia KBank Customers With Digi, Cellcard Blocked *Update #2
Thai business owners and visitors in Cambodia were left scrambling at the end of last week and over the weekend when access to Thailand’s fourth largest bank, Kasikornbank (KBank), was blocked for users of two of the countries largest internet service providers.
— AEC News Today

Employers required to pay more into NSSF for workers
A government policy that went into effect at the start of the year requires employers to pay more into their employees’ government-managed social security funds, a move that could have wide-ranging effects on the country’s nascent private- and government-run health care systems.
— The Phnom Penh Post

Delinquent loan rate continues to rise
The rate of microfinance loans with overdue payments nearly doubled last year according to the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), though it remained within a normal range and was coupled with a rise in deposits.
— The Phnom Penh Post

Chinese delegation explores local Cambodian markets
A delegation of some of China’s biggest companies in the food-processing industry is researching local Cambodian markets for agri investment opportunities.
— Fresh Plaza

Australian nurse jailed over Cambodian surrogacy clinic has sentence upheld
An Australian jailed for 18 months for running a surrogacy clinic in Cambodia had her sentence upheld on Monday in a prominent case highlighting the country’s role in the lucrative trade.
— The Guardian

Cambodia negotiates reopening of informal Vietnam border crossings
Ratankkiri provincial authorities are trying to resolve a border dispute with Vietnam, urging the Vietnamese to reopen four recently blocked border crossings, according to National Police spokesman Kirth Chantharith.
— The Phnom Penh Post

Kingdom’s banks see rising foreign influx
Cambodia’s banking sector saw an almost 32 percent increase in foreign capital inflow in 2017, a result of new foreign banks and stricter capital requirements set by the National Bank of Cambodia, according to the central bank’s annual report.
— The Phnom Penh Post

China Grants over $1M for Strengthening the Environment Test in Cambodia
Chinese government granted and offered the equipments worth over $1 million for testing the water and environment in Cambodia, especially strengthen the capacity of testing center of Ministry of Environment (MoE).
— Fresh News

Evictions sweep away Sihanoukville beach businesses
The New Year brought a new wave of evictions and development to more than 5 square kilometres on Preah Sihanouk province’s Ochheuteal Beach, though local authorities remain in the dark about what company is behind the development.
— The Phnom Penh Post

PM Hun Sen Urges Turkey to Launch Direct Flight to Cambodia
Prime Minister Hun Sen urged Turkey to launch the direct flight to Cambodia for better connectivity between Cambodia-Turkey.
— Fresh News


Feature photo Chris Graham/AusAID


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Cambodia morning news by AEC News Today is your one stop source for Cambodia news on matters of governance and policies affecting Asean business communities. It is published M-F by AEC News Today: Governance, not government; policies not politics.


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Sreypov Men recently completed a course of study in International Relations at the Institute of Foreign Languages.

She commenced as an intern at AEC News Today and was appointed as a junior writer/ trainee journalist on April 2, 2018

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