Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have become somewhat of a buzzword over the last few years with this form of arrangement capable of delivering greater efficiency in the provision of public services such as energy, transportation, water, healthcare, sanitation, and communications. However, for some, the term PPP is just another acronym in a world overflowing with abbreviations.
In the video above the Asia Development Bank (ADB) explains how Public Private Partnerships can be implemented between public agencies at either a federal, state or local level, and private agencies to deliver infrastructure those agencies would not be able to afford on their own.
Asia’s infrastructure needs are enormous. The region needs approximately a trillion dollars a year over the next decade to meet growth expectations. With the ADB lending for infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific set at about US$11 billion a year and the World Bank at about $23 billion a year, there’s obviously plenty of room for interested parties to get involved by way of Public Private Partnerships.
The video points out the various types of projects that are suitable for Public Private Partnership arrangements, and how the process is managed from the concept and bidding stages, through to construction and operation.
The video briefly touches on the kinds of support and assistance the ADB can provide to countries wishing to pursue Public Private Partnerships, including the establishing of regulatory and legal bodies.
One of the World Bank’s guides on Public Private Partnerships. Video uploaded to Vimeo by PPPIRC – World Bank |
For those seeking additional information on Public Private Partnerships, The World Bank has its own series of videos on the topic.
In the first, Mark M Moseley, lead council, global expert team for PP of the World Bank, gives an overview of what constitutes and what doesn’t fall under the Public Private Partnership banner, and the various other names used to describe what in effect is the same thing.
In another (the video below) it outlines the various services and assistance available from its Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure Resource Center (PPPIRC).
Designed to cover the framework of a Public Private Partnership project from analysis through to implementation, the PPPIRC has materials to assess the PPP legal framework and provides sample legislation and guidelines for not only PPP laws but also sector specific legislation and regulation which may need to be modified or enacted.
With both institutions additional information on Public Private Partnerships is available by clicking through to their respective YouTube or Vimeo channels.
The various materials available from the PPPIRC to assist in the commercial and legal structuring of infrastructure projects is described in this short video from the World Bank. Video uploaded to Vimeo by PPPIRC – World Bank |
Feature video OLC WBG
- Public-private partnership: ‘My baap’ approach is inimical to creation of conducive ecosystem (The Indian Express [P] Ltd)
- Public-private partnership (Hearst Newspapers, LLC)
- Public-Private Partnership Upgrades City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, Provides Recycled Water for Fracking (Environmental Leader)