Cambodia Morning News Roundup February 20

Cambodia Morning News Roundup February 20
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Cambodia morning news

Bank ordered to replace its logo
ACLEDA Bank, Cambodia’s largest bank in terms of assets, will have to shell out millions in the next three weeks to comply with a Council of Ministers decision last Friday that the private financial institution must redesign and
replace its logo on all company materials and products to differentiate itself from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, a senior bank executive said yesterday.
The Phnom Penh Post

Cabinet approves power projects
The Cabinet of ministers approved on Friday two electricity development projects in a bid to address the increasing demand for electricity in the kingdom.
— Khmer Times

Rosewood luxury in the city good for tourism
A five-star luxury hotel owned by the international Rosewood chain is due to open in Phnom Penh in June.
— Khmer Times

Stay out of loan disputes, officials told
Prime Minister Hun Sen has ordered local authorities not to get involved in cases where microfinance institutions (MFIs) moved to repossess property over loan defaults.
— Khmer Times

At Blue Pumpkin, adapting to thrive
Blue Pumpkin, which began as a Siem Reap-based family business in 2000, has grown into one of the country’s most-recognised brands.
— The Phnom Penh Post

Law That Could Dissolve Cambodia’s Opposition Party Set to Pass in Parliament
Cambodia’s parliament is set to pass an amendment to a law governing political parties that would lead to the dissolution of opposition groups if they receive funding from abroad or if their leaders have a criminal record.

VOA Exclusive: Beyond Film, Angelina Jolie To Continue Empowering Cambodians
American actress and director Angelina Jolie said Saturday that the world premiere in Cambodia of the Khmer-language drama, ‘First They Killed My Father,’ is her gift to the country of her adopted son Maddox.



Feature photo: John Le Fevre


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