COVID-19 in Asean: update for March 10

COVID-19 in Asean: update for March 10
Online English lessons

As of 01:30 GMT March 10 there was 232 confirmed active cases of COVID-19 throughout the 10 Asean member countries.

The most number of confirmed active cases are in Malaysia where 93 people remain infected, with two reported to be in a serious or critical condition.

The next highest number of active cases is in Singapore, with 67 COVID-19 cases, 10 of who are regarded as serious or critical.

In the the Philippines 21 cases of COV-ID 19 remain active, with one person listed as serious or critical, while in Indonesia there are 19 confirmed COVID-19 cases.

In Thailand 16 COVID-19 cases remained active, with 15 in Vietnam, and one case in Cambodia and Brunei. Laos PDR, and Myanmar have not reported any COVID-19 cases.

There has been 403 cases of COVID-19 recorded in Asean member countries, with 169 people having been treated and discharged.

There has been two deaths attributed to COVID-19 in Asean member countries.

Asean COVID-19 cases to March 10, 2020
Asean COVID-19 cases to March 10, 2020 .

Global COVID-19 cases up to March 10

The number of new COVID-19 cases globally rose 4.02 per cent day-on-day (DoD) to 114,416, an increase of 4,425.

The number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 increased 5.20 per cent DoD to 4,026, an increase of 199, the majority in Italy.

Meanwhile the number of people treated and discharged rose 2.90 per cent DoD to 1,805, bringing the number of COVID-19 survivors to 64,081.

As of 01:30 GMT March 10 there was 46,309 active cases globally, of which some 12 per cent or 5,771 cases were classified as serious or critical.
Based on completed cases, (number of discharged + number of dead), the current case mortality rate equates to 6 per cent.
Global SARS-CoV-2 cases globally to 01:34 GMT March 10
Global SARS-CoV-2 cases globally to 01:34 GMT March 10. Figures subject to later adjustment. Digital Editor


Feature image AEC News Today


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