Pedalling for a cause: YCC 2019 expands to Myanmar (video)

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Senior managers and leaders from the business and the non-profit sector are being invited to join charity bike rides in Vietnam and in Myanmar later this year.

Bangkok-based YAANA Ventures, an award-winning entrepreneurial travel and hospitality firm focusing on sustainable tourism, will hold its second YAANA Corporate Challenge (YCC) networking and fundraising bicycle tour in northern Vietnam between October 18-20. YCC 2019 will also be expanded to include an event in Myanmar at Inle Lake, Shan State, between December 6-8.

Similar to last year, proceeds from this year’s YCC 2019 in Vietnam will be donated to Operation Smile Vietnam and the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation. In Myanmar the money raised will be donated to the Bagan Plastic Campaign, the Minzontaung Burmese Star Tortoise Centre and the Khiri Reach Water Well Project.

The inaugural 2017  YCC saw 18 riders cycle 226 kilometers (about 140 miles) from Quy Nhon to Hoi An in Vietnam raising $25,000 which funded 33 life-enhancing surgeries for children.

The three-day YCC 2019 events in each country will also include networking events with panel discussion, a bike programme dinner, and a closing ceremony.

Both tours cover about 125 kilometers ( 78 miles) in two days, so organisers forewarn that cyclists will need a moderate level of fitness.

Mark Remijan, group CFO of YAANA Ventures, said both YCC 2019 events are based around sustainability, conservation, and highlighting the quality of outdoor travel in Vietnam and Myanmar.

Corporate sponsorship full package starts from $2000 up to $5000 (one-three riders), which includes bicycles, full back-up support, rider jerseys, three-night hotel stays, meals and lots of opportunities and publicity for participating companies. Product sponsorship opportunities are also available to help defray costs.

See here for more information on the YAANA Corporate Challenge



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Justhine De Guzman Uy completed a Bachelor of Arts Major in Mass Communication at New Era University, Quezon City, the Philippines in 2016

After graduation she worked at the Philippine Broadcasting Service performing transcription and business news writing, before moving to Eagle Broadcasting Corporation where she worked as a news editor, translator and production assistant.

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