Lao morning news for March 11

Lao morning news for March 11
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Lao PDR morning news

Govt considers tax to protect environment from industrial pollution
Industries that produce pollution may have to pay more taxes now that the government has embraced the National Green Growth Strategy.
— Vientiane Times

Lao president hopes to see Sun Paper bring more benefits to locality
Bounnhang Vorachith, general secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee and president of Laos, inspected the Sun Paper Holdings Laos Co., Ltd. (Sun Paper Laos) on Sunday, hoping that the Chinese company will further help promote local economic development.
— Xinhua

Lao president vows to advance building of community of shared future with China
Bounnhang Vorachith, general secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee and president of Laos, has vowed to further advance the building of a community of shared future with China.

Lao-Thai high speed rail link to be operational in 2023
Construction of the Laos-China rail link will be complete in 2021 but this railway will not be connected to the Thai rail network until 2023.
— Vientiane Times

Police snare another Lao drug trafficker
Stung Treng Provincial Court today charged a Lao national for allegedly smuggling nearly one kilogram of methamphetamine across the border.
— Khmer Times

Experts Question Need For Proposed Laos-Vietnam Rail Link
A railway connecting the Lao capital Vientiane with the port of Vung Ang on Vietnam’s coast may have trouble finding lenders to finance the project, plans for which were announced at the end of February by Lao and Vietnamese leaders, experts say.
— Radio Free Asia

VN to build plan for trade promotion in CLV development triangle area
Representatives of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam have agreed to assign Vietnam to devise an action plan for effectively implementing the Agreement on Trade Promotion and Facilitation in the CLV Development Triangle Area, signed in 2016 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
— Sggp News

Korea vows ongoing helping hand for rural development
The Korean government is continuing to back rural development in Laos with the aim of supporting the country’s efforts to graduate from Least Developed Country status.
— Vientiane Times

German FDI in ASEAN Part II: Indonesia and Laos
German investment in the ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been increasing steadily and has the potential to grow further in the coming years. In the first part of this four-part article, we analyzed German investment in Brunei and Cambodia. We next look at Indonesia and Laos.
— Asean Briefing

San Diego’s Laotian community pushes for a place in California history books
Members of San Diego’s Laotian community have launched a statewide movement to get their history added to California textbooks.
— LA Times


Feature photo Thangphan


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Lao morning news by AEC News Today is your one stop source for Lao PDR news on matters of governance and policies affecting Asean business communities. It is published M-F by AEC News Today: Governance, not government; policies not politics.


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Sreypov Men recently completed a course of study in International Relations at the Institute of Foreign Languages.

She commenced as an intern at AEC News Today and was appointed as a junior writer/ trainee journalist on April 2, 2018

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