Indonesia morning news for August 14

Indonesia morning news for August 14
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Indonesia morning newsDeath toll in Lombok earthquake rises to 436
The death toll in the recent earthquakes in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, has increased to 436 as of today, according to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB).
— Thai PBS

Damaged Homes from Lombok Quake to Receive IDR 10-50 million Donation from Government
Social Affairs Minister Idrus Marham says the ministry is currently trying to fulfill the basic needs during the emergency response due to the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) earthquake, up until the recovery period.
— Netral News

Lombok Earthquake Losses Surpass IDR5.04 Trillion
The impact of economic losses due to the earthquake in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is very large.
— Netral News

Bank Indonesia May Hike Rates As Turkish Lira Crisis Adds Pressure On Rupiah
Indonesia may feel the biggest impact from the Turkish lira crisis, among Asian countries, as a high level of foreign currency debt makes it vulnerable to sharp falls in the rupiah, Capital Economics economist Gareth Leather said Monday.
— Markets Insider

Indonesian exporters urged to repatriate foreign profit to shore up rupiah
The Indonesian government on Monday called on exporters to send back the profit of their exports and convert it into rupiah in a bid to help prop up the descending rupiah.
— Xinhua

Domain under presidential candidates’ names on sale for billions
The presidential race has been generating business opportunities for some people, including Muhammad Sigit Saputro, 31, whose business endeavor recently went viral after he offered web domains named after presidential candidate pairs for billions of rupiah.
— The Jakarta Post

Indonesia sets August HBA thermal coal price at 6-year high of $107.83/mt
Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources set its August thermal coal reference price, also known as Harga Batubara Acuan or HBA, at a six-year high of $107.83/mt, recording a rise of 3% month on month and 28.4% year on year.
— S&P Global Platts

Trade show estimates 156 million Muslim travelers by 2020
Regional travel trade show ITB Asia has said that about 156 million Muslims would be traveling around the globe by 2020, a growth of nearly 30 percent since 2016, and that the estimated total purchases by Muslim travelers would more than double over a decade to US$300 billion by 2026.
— The Jakarta Post

Indonesia opens bids for six oil and gas blocks
Indonesia’s energy ministry opens bids for six oil and gas blocks, the second round in 2018.
— Reuters

Women’s electability rises in Indonesia’s 2018 local elections
The third round of regional elections (Pilkada) in Indonesia, held on June 27 2018, showed an increase in women’s electability as local political leaders.
— EconoTimes

Official Guide To The Asian Games 2018
Here is the official guide and everything you need to know about the Asian Games 2018!
— Indonesia Expat

Belt, Road, Indonesia
There is no doubting the vastness of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), or its staggering ambition. A development campaign through which China wants to boost trade and stimulate economic growth across Asia and beyond, the BRI will build massive amounts of infrastructure connecting the Middle Kingdom to countries around the globe.
— Asian Legal Business

Three Indonesian tech unicorns unite to back digital insurance startup
It’s almost unheard of to see three unicorns join forces to fund a startup, but that’s exactly what has happened in Indonesia.
— TechCrunch

Indonesia’s Bintang beer to be exported to USA, claimed to be American surfers’ ‘beer of choice’
Count your lucky stars, America: Bintang, one of Indonesia’s most popular mass-produced and generic-tasting beers, is soon going to be available in the USA.
— Coconuts Jakarta

Govt OK’s up to $1b cut in Rokan Block production cost
The government has approved a plan in production cost cut up to US$1 billion for the Rokan Block, one of the country’s most productive oil and gas blocks.
— The Jakarta Post

Middle-Path Approach Central Focus of World Peace Forum in Jakarta
Global leaders, policy makers and activists will convene for the seventh World Peace Forum in Jakarta on Tuesday (14/08) to discuss the ongoing civilizational crisis in the world.
— Jakarta Globe

Indonesia empowers small and medium industries through the IKM e-Smart program
Empowering small and medium industries through the use of digital technology will prepare the country for Industrial Revolution 4.0. Utilisation of digital technology also provides a potential 80%-increase in income.
— OpenGov

TERROR ALERT: Indonesia RUNNING OUT of prison cells for terrorists
INDONESIA is running out of maximum security prisons to hold a rising number of extremists, a Jakarta think tank has warned, as dozens of Islamic State (ISIS) members are set to be released from jail.

What Drives Indonesia’s Pacific Island Strategy?
Indonesia has recently been lifting its presence in the Pacific, courting a number of Pacific Island countries in an attempt to quell the region’s sympathies for the independence movement in the Indonesian province of West Papua.
— The Diplomat

Indonesia reinforcing its position in Russia’s palm oil market
Palm oil imports to Russia totaled 77.2 KMT in May 2018, or 13.2% more than in the previous month and up 29.3% from May 2017.
— UkrAgroConsult

Indonesia Bans Israeli Athletes from Asian Games, but Names Israel’s Moovit the Official Transit App
An Israeli startup’s mobile guide has been chosen as the official mobility app for the Asian Games in Indonesia to help millions of fans get to sports competitions at the event from which Israel has been banned since 1981, highlighting the ambiguity at the heart of the boycott movement against the Jewish State.
— The Tower

World Peace Forum seeks to adopt Jakarta`s messages as outcome document
The 7th World Peace Forum (WPF) will seek to adopt some outcome document that might be named “Jakarta Messages,” after the city where the dialogue will be held from Aug 14 to 16, an official said.
— Antara News

Go-Jek, Grab Drivers Plan Mass Protest During Asian Games Opening
Thousands of motorcycle taxi drivers plan to hold demonstrations during the opening of the Asian Games on Saturday (18/08) to demand higher fare tariffs.
— Jakarta Globe

Transjakarta to Provide Free Bus Services for Shopping
The capital city land transportation company, PT Transportasi Jakarta (Transjakarta), will provide free bus services for shopping and tourism routes for athletes and officials of the 2018 Asian Games.


Feature photo David Stanley


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Indonesia morning news by AEC News Today is your one stop source for Indonesia news on matters of governance and policies affecting Asean business communities and is published M-F by AEC News Today: Governance, not government; policies not politics.


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Stella-maris Ewudolu

Journalist at AEC News Today

Stella-maris graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, Education from Ebonyi State University, Nigeria in 2005.

Between November 2010 and February 2012 she was a staff writer at Daylight Online, Nigeria writing on health, fashion, and relationships. From 2010 – 2017 she worked as a freelance screen writer for ‘Nollywood’, Nigeria.

She joined AEC News Today in December 2016.

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