In search of the origins of Asean people (video)

Online English lessons

Now that the Asean Economic Community (AEC) is finally in existence and we are united as one Asean Community (AC), the lingering question is: Do we know who our are Asean neighbours are? What are the origins of Asean people?

In this special report of Asean Checklist, journalist Dr Michael Chick chats with the director of Unesco Bangkok, Dr Gwang-Jo Kim who says: “For the AEC to be fully implemented; to be fully functional; in my humble opinion they [individual countries] need to teach some kind of common history.”

In search of an answer to: Where did the original Asean people, known as Australo-Melanesian come from?, Dr Chick talks to Professor Charles Higham, an archeologist at the University of Otago and Sean Ang from Sheffield University’s paleoanthropology department.

The answer may surprise you, and also puts to rest claims by some Asean member countries to be able to isolate nation specific DNA.



Feature video Asean Checklist



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